Working with big projects, I have realized the importance of makefile systems. It's really needed to handle the whole project and the dependency tree. But writing whole makefile was very difficult for me. For this reason, I looked for some tools to do it and I found the answer: GNU Autobuild system.
GNU Autobuild system is actually a bunch of programs which inspect your code, make dependency checks, control these dependencies and create makefiles for your project. It takes the burden to create makefiles from the developer, and it puts it on the maintainers of GNU Autobuild system.
In order to understand the workflow of the system, one should have a good understanding of what program does what. Let's see:
a) autoscan : This program inspects the directory structure and source codes and tries to create input file for autoconf. It creates a candidate file named configure.scan, with just a little modification, you can rename configure.scan to and use it as the configuration input file. (For my specific case, I only needed to change two things. First, i changed the package name, version exc. And second, I added the line AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE. This macro is needed for automake program and I will explain it later.)
b) autoconf : This program takes an input file named and creates a configuration script named configure. This script will be used later to make the dependency check on user's computer and create the makefile for the project. I prefer running this program at the very end step after creating every file.
c) automake : This program takes an input file named and according to file, tries to create a pre-makefile, named It uses aclocal.m4 to know the macros, you can create aclocal.m4 with aclocal command in terminal. It also needs "install-sh" and "missing" scripts, they can be created by "automake --add-missing" command in terminal. It also needs for additional file to be present; NEWS, README, AUTHORS, Changelog. You can create and fill inside of them as you wish. I'll explain how to create later.
d) aclocal : Creates "aclocal.m4" file needed for automake to understand macros.
e) autoheader: Creates a file named "" which is needed to run "configure" script. No action needs to be taken.
Now, let's check which files needs to be created: (You have to fill it yourself) (autoscan mostly fills it)
aclocal.m4 (aclocal does the work)
install-sh and missing (automake --add-missing does the work) (autoheader does the work)
NEWS, README, AUTHORS, Changelog (I don't even know why they are needed, I think they are GNU standarts for a package)
Creating "" file: Don't worry, creating this file is way easy compared
to the creating makefile itself. First of all, you have to create a different for every direction which you want to include in your project (and tarball of course). The structure is always almost the same, there are some syntactic elements you should know. Basic ones are like these:
"SUBDIR = ... ... ..." : declaration of subdirs
"bin_PROGRAMS = ... ..." : name of the binary files
"x_SOURCES = .... ..." : sources needed for binary file x
"x_LDADD = ... ...", : special linkings for binary file x
"noinst_LIBRARIES = ... ..." : create libraries but do not install them.
"lib_LTLIBRARIES = ... ..." create shared libraries for the project. The program libtool might be very useful here.
And much more, there are various many options. But with the options listed above, you can mostly do your work.
After doing everything, we can run configure script on the terminal. It will make checks and if succeeds, will create makefiles for the project. After makefiles have been created, users can use "make" command to build,install,uninstall the project. And there are many more options for maintainers.
"make install-check" : checks if installation succeeds.
"make uninstall-check" : checks if uninstall process succeeds.
"make dist-gzip" : creates a tar.gz tarball for your project.
And at that step you're done. Now you can create the tarball of your project and archive or publish it.
References: (You can find a very good documentation here in detail.) (Autotools tutorial)
Oradan buradan kafama esen, ilgimi çeken teknik içerikli yazılar. Bazen teknik içeriği de olmayan bilgisayarla ilgili anılar.
13 Ağustos 2009 Perşembe
GNU Autobuild system
GNU autotools,
source code
6 Ağustos 2009 Perşembe
Making a development environment for FlightGear in Ubuntu
For the developers of FlightGear who want to work on Linux (actually i think working on linux is better than working on windows using Visual Basic and trying to include every open source library), there are some things to do.
As mentioned on their website, source code of FlightGear has some dependencies, They are OpenSceneGraph, GLUT (FreeGlut), OpenAL, plib and SimGear. Every dependency is a distinct library but they are dependent to each other in some places. Anyway, if you follow the order in my sentence and install them one by one your Linux OS will be a suitable environment for developing FlightGear.
Usually the accepted method of "./configure", "make", and "make install" commands work fine. But you may need to have CMake installed as well because one of the dependencies needs CMake to be installed. By the way boost packet for C++ is also needed and you can find it googling. Anyway, it's easy to install CMake by typing command shell "sudo apt-get install cmake".
By the way i first tried to use Synaptic Package Manager of Ubuntu to install the dependencies. I found them but not the appropriate versions (i mean there were older versions) So, i tried to install them by the classic "./configure", "make", and "make install" methods. It's more complicated but safer when you do something yourself i think.
If you encounter a problem during any ./configure steps, it's potentially another dependency issue. I only encountered it once, trying to compile FlightGear manually. It said boost package for C++ is needed but it was easy to find it with a google search. Being an operating system spesific issue, maybe you may need to install some additional packages but the possibility is very low.
That is all needs to be done in order to have a suitable developing environment for FlightGear in linux. I don't think there is a need to mention that you have to have g++ installed on your machine also.
I haven't decided which IDE to use yet but I'm thinking on Eclipse to use, Eclipse seems fine.
As mentioned on their website, source code of FlightGear has some dependencies, They are OpenSceneGraph, GLUT (FreeGlut), OpenAL, plib and SimGear. Every dependency is a distinct library but they are dependent to each other in some places. Anyway, if you follow the order in my sentence and install them one by one your Linux OS will be a suitable environment for developing FlightGear.
Usually the accepted method of "./configure", "make", and "make install" commands work fine. But you may need to have CMake installed as well because one of the dependencies needs CMake to be installed. By the way boost packet for C++ is also needed and you can find it googling. Anyway, it's easy to install CMake by typing command shell "sudo apt-get install cmake".
By the way i first tried to use Synaptic Package Manager of Ubuntu to install the dependencies. I found them but not the appropriate versions (i mean there were older versions) So, i tried to install them by the classic "./configure", "make", and "make install" methods. It's more complicated but safer when you do something yourself i think.
If you encounter a problem during any ./configure steps, it's potentially another dependency issue. I only encountered it once, trying to compile FlightGear manually. It said boost package for C++ is needed but it was easy to find it with a google search. Being an operating system spesific issue, maybe you may need to install some additional packages but the possibility is very low.
That is all needs to be done in order to have a suitable developing environment for FlightGear in linux. I don't think there is a need to mention that you have to have g++ installed on your machine also.
I haven't decided which IDE to use yet but I'm thinking on Eclipse to use, Eclipse seems fine.
4 Ağustos 2009 Salı
FlightGear, a flight simulator
FlightGear is an open-source 3d flight simulator. You can find a lot of plane models and its supplies a package which includes nearly all places in the world.
You don't have to pay big amounts of money in order to have an experience of flight simulation, it's free.
It can be also developed for special pursoses since it's open source.
This is the website of FlightGear project
FlightGear Website
Enjoy your flights!
You don't have to pay big amounts of money in order to have an experience of flight simulation, it's free.
It can be also developed for special pursoses since it's open source.
This is the website of FlightGear project
FlightGear Website
Enjoy your flights!
30 Temmuz 2009 Perşembe
Çin'den tam sansür
Çin hükümeti uzun süredir internet konusundaki yasakçı tutumu ile bilinmekteydi. Ancak son günlerdeki Doğu Türkistan olaylarıyla bu tutum zirve yaptı.
Şöyle ki hükümet ülkenin kuzeydoğusunda yer alan Urumçi bölgesinde bu soruna kökten bir çözüm buldu(!) ve internete erişimi toptan kapattı. Böylelikle bölge insanının olayları dünyaya bizzat kendi cep telefonlarıyla yansıtmaları da engellenmiş oldu. Bununla da yetinilmeyerek ülkenin tümünde twitter ve youtube'a erişim engellendi. Ayrıca arama motorlarında Urumçi sözcüğünün aratılması da yasaklananlar arasında.
2000'li yılların başında hüküm süren internetin düşünce özgürlüğünü çok geniş ölçüde arttırdığı inancı bu tip uygulamalarla kırılsa da sansürcü uygulamanın başarısının ancak geçici olabileceği, bilginin günümüz dünyasında gecikerek de olsa mutlaka paylaşılmaya mahkum olduğu bir gerçek.
Şöyle ki hükümet ülkenin kuzeydoğusunda yer alan Urumçi bölgesinde bu soruna kökten bir çözüm buldu(!) ve internete erişimi toptan kapattı. Böylelikle bölge insanının olayları dünyaya bizzat kendi cep telefonlarıyla yansıtmaları da engellenmiş oldu. Bununla da yetinilmeyerek ülkenin tümünde twitter ve youtube'a erişim engellendi. Ayrıca arama motorlarında Urumçi sözcüğünün aratılması da yasaklananlar arasında.
2000'li yılların başında hüküm süren internetin düşünce özgürlüğünü çok geniş ölçüde arttırdığı inancı bu tip uygulamalarla kırılsa da sansürcü uygulamanın başarısının ancak geçici olabileceği, bilginin günümüz dünyasında gecikerek de olsa mutlaka paylaşılmaya mahkum olduğu bir gerçek.
Sosyal Ağ Sitelerinde Bütünlük
Çağımızın en büyük başarılarından birisi sanırım facebook, twitter, flickr, blogger gibi sosyal paylaşım ağları.
Ne var ki interneti etkin olarak kullanan birisi her zaman için bu sitelerde ayrı ayrı kimliklerinin olmasından yakınmıştır. Bu durumda olanlar için bir iyi haber yolda, görünen o ki artık sosyal paylaşım siteleri birbirleriyle bütünleşmeye, üyelerinin kimliklerini birbirine bağlamaya başladılar. Twitter ve Facebook bu konuda ilk adımı atarak sitelerindeki hesapların birbirleriyle bağlanıp bir sitedeki durum değişikliğinin diğer sitedeki bağlı hesapta da etkili olmasını sağladı.
Şu an için çok uzak olabilir ama ileride çok geniş bir ortak ağ olabilir ve kullanıcılar,flickr,friend feed gibi sitelerdeki hesaplarını bu ortak ağ ile tek tıkla yönetebilirler.
Bu uygulamanın yaşantımıza ne gibi katkılar sağlayacağını ileride göreceğiz.
Ne var ki interneti etkin olarak kullanan birisi her zaman için bu sitelerde ayrı ayrı kimliklerinin olmasından yakınmıştır. Bu durumda olanlar için bir iyi haber yolda, görünen o ki artık sosyal paylaşım siteleri birbirleriyle bütünleşmeye, üyelerinin kimliklerini birbirine bağlamaya başladılar. Twitter ve Facebook bu konuda ilk adımı atarak sitelerindeki hesapların birbirleriyle bağlanıp bir sitedeki durum değişikliğinin diğer sitedeki bağlı hesapta da etkili olmasını sağladı.
Şu an için çok uzak olabilir ama ileride çok geniş bir ortak ağ olabilir ve kullanıcılar,flickr,friend feed gibi sitelerdeki hesaplarını bu ortak ağ ile tek tıkla yönetebilirler.
Bu uygulamanın yaşantımıza ne gibi katkılar sağlayacağını ileride göreceğiz.
29 Mayıs 2009 Cuma
Irrlicht Engine: A free open source 3d engine
Irrlicht is an open source 3d engine.
If you know C++, you can easily use it.
It comes with a package which can be used on Linux,Windows and MacOSX. In other words, you have platform variety.
Using Irrlicht makes making 3d animations and game graphics easy for you.
I used it with GCC compiler and had no difficulties while using. Its documentation is enough for a person who little knows about making graphics.
Irrlicht can be found at:
You can see screenshots of the projects made with Irrlicht Engine at this address:
And also a part of this project, irrKlang is another powerful tool if you are interested in making a game. It provides the sound engine for your works. It can also be found at the same address.
Enjoy your 3d worlds!
If you know C++, you can easily use it.
It comes with a package which can be used on Linux,Windows and MacOSX. In other words, you have platform variety.
Using Irrlicht makes making 3d animations and game graphics easy for you.
I used it with GCC compiler and had no difficulties while using. Its documentation is enough for a person who little knows about making graphics.
Irrlicht can be found at:
You can see screenshots of the projects made with Irrlicht Engine at this address:
And also a part of this project, irrKlang is another powerful tool if you are interested in making a game. It provides the sound engine for your works. It can also be found at the same address.
Enjoy your 3d worlds!
28 Mayıs 2009 Perşembe
Prolog, A Logic Programming Language
Prolog is a useful language in logic issues.
It's paradigm is declarative. In other words, you declare some realities and it creates the relations using a backtrack mechanism. It creates a search tree from the realities that you declared and searches for all valid paths. You can also tell it to cut the operation when it finds a valid way.
Prolog is a very powerful tool if you are interested in developing artifical intelligence-like models and also if you are trying to prove mathematical and computational issues.
The syntax of prolog is a bit different from the usual programming languages that we are familiar with. It consists of declarations which end with a dot as in natural languages. And the symbol :- means that the left-hand side is true if the expressions on the right-hand side are all true.
A short Prolog example is below:
The little program above means that socrates is a human, and all human beings are mortal. So after loading the source file with command below:
You can make the query mortal(socrates) and you will get yes. Note that if i wrote Socrates instead of socrates, i would mean everything is human.
If you are interested in it, you can find a detailed information about Prolog here:
Prolog Guide
My personal choice of prolog implementation is GNU-Prolog, which you can find at:
It's paradigm is declarative. In other words, you declare some realities and it creates the relations using a backtrack mechanism. It creates a search tree from the realities that you declared and searches for all valid paths. You can also tell it to cut the operation when it finds a valid way.
Prolog is a very powerful tool if you are interested in developing artifical intelligence-like models and also if you are trying to prove mathematical and computational issues.
The syntax of prolog is a bit different from the usual programming languages that we are familiar with. It consists of declarations which end with a dot as in natural languages. And the symbol :- means that the left-hand side is true if the expressions on the right-hand side are all true.
A short Prolog example is below:
The little program above means that socrates is a human, and all human beings are mortal. So after loading the source file with command below:
consult('full path of file').
You can make the query mortal(socrates) and you will get yes. Note that if i wrote Socrates instead of socrates, i would mean everything is human.
If you are interested in it, you can find a detailed information about Prolog here:
Prolog Guide
My personal choice of prolog implementation is GNU-Prolog, which you can find at:
logic programming,
23 Mayıs 2009 Cumartesi
-- benim aracılığımla üye olursanız bana da katkınız olur :)
düzenleme: geçici bir hevesmiş hepsi
-- benim aracılığımla üye olursanız bana da katkınız olur :)
düzenleme: geçici bir hevesmiş hepsi
16 Mayıs 2009 Cumartesi
Fonksiyonel dillerde sözdizimsel kaygı
Haskell'de yazdığım kodları incelerken sözdizimiyle aramın çok iyi olmamasının bana kodun küçüklüğü ve okunabilirliği açısından kayıp yaşattırdığını fark ettim.
Bu nedenle fonksiyonel dillerde sözdizimine hakim olmanın önemini bir kez daha kavradım.
Bu nedenle fonksiyonel dillerde sözdizimine hakim olmanın önemini bir kez daha kavradım.
2 Ocak 2009 Cuma
Selam Sanal Yeryüzü!
İtiraf etmeliyim ki bu benim ilk günlük denemem değil, ancak kişisel anlamda paylaşacağım ilk günlük olacak.
Şu sıralar içinde olduğum yoğunluk dolayısıyla çok sık güncelleyebileceğimi sanmıyorum ancak bu da bir adımdır :)
Beni bu yolda itekleyen sevgili zhankal'ın burada adını anmak istiyorum.
Şu sıralar içinde olduğum yoğunluk dolayısıyla çok sık güncelleyebileceğimi sanmıyorum ancak bu da bir adımdır :)
Beni bu yolda itekleyen sevgili zhankal'ın burada adını anmak istiyorum.
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